Concerted efforts of the people have propelled the country into one of the technologically advanced Nation. But a large section of the rural India is still struggling for their survival due to poor infra structure for education and skill upgradation. It is the fact that more than 80 percent population of the country lives in rural areas. Considering such situation, Radhakrishnan Commission (India’s first education commission) in 1949 had emphasized the need for rural universities in the interest on radical changes in education. A rural university was therefore conceived and established by the great Visionary Padma Vibhushan Nana Ji Deshmukh at Chitrakoot named Mahatma Gandhi Chitrakoot Gramodaya Vishwavidyalaya by the Government of Madhya Pradesh through legislature by an Act (9, 1991) on February 12, 1991. The University is located on the bank of holy river Mandakini near Sphatikshila at Chitrakoot, Satna, M.P. In the year 2015 university accredited as grade “A” by National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) in first cycle and also accredited in year 2024 got A++(3.53) grade.

The University is mandated to develop human resource for the economic and social development of rural people; and develops and disseminates rural technology. The broad vision of the University is to develop human resource for promoting activities related to socio-economic development of rural community and to improve quality of life of deprived masses through purposeful education in multidimensional field. The University has a mandate to evolve, promote and impart knowledge and skill to overcome the emerging challenges, create confidence among the rural community and make the use of recent advances in the field of higher education for spiritual and social transformation of rural people.

The message is embedded in the emblem of the University in the form of ‘Padukas’. The motto of the University is the village is the universe in miniature. It also focuses on the problem-solving action research and transferring the viable technologies to answer problems confronted by the rural majority.

In order to carry out its mandate, there are five faculties and within them are 15 departments and two independent entities- Distance Education Centre and Community College. Inter- disciplinary approach has been adopted for multidimensional growth of rural sector through advanced technology of teaching and learning. The University offers multidisciplinary higher education courses up to doctoral level in the disciplines of agriculture and animal sciences,

applied sciences, environment, remote sensing and GIS, agricultural engineering, food technology, information technology, management, education, languages, communication, fine arts, humanities, social sciences etc. Those who are not able to attend regular classes due to economic or other service commitments, the University has established a good number of Distance Education Centers in the state of Madhya Pradesh for imparting higher education. Though the University is unitary in character, yet, the University has introduced Community College scheme to impart the skill-oriented courses of different levels viz. Advanced Diploma, Diploma and Certificate programmes through 30 Gramodaya Community Colleges located in different areas of MP. University have running skill development courses in many disciplines under DDUK. The University has conceived various skill development courses after due consultation with the stakeholders and the same is made available to the community Colleges to be adopted in the programmes run by them. Need based specific programmes are also introduced as per the regional demand of the community.

Both the top down and bottom-up approaches are used effectively to implement academic policies. In order to promote skill education, the University has already introduced B.Voc. programme in nine streams on the guidelines suggested by National Skill Development council and further, it has also introduced BSW i.e. Bachelor's degree in social work (Community Leadership) for functionaries of state Govt. agencies for carrying out Govt. programmes.

This University is the first in the state using 100% surveillance and thumb impression attendance. Strenuous efforts are on to make the campus eco-friendly and reduce carbon footprint. Less paperwork in office is in operation, however the thrust is to turn it into paperless e-governance. Every faculty of the University has maintained smart classes and virtual classes for interactive teaching. Campus is well equipped with Wi-Fi facility.


The University offers multidisciplinary higher education courses up to doctoral level in various disciplines. The academic activities of the University are spread over 14 Departments of 5 Faculties. These are:

Faculty of Agriculture

  • Department of Crop Science
  • Department of Natural Resource Management
  • Department of Technology Transfer

Courses Offered M.Sc. (Ag.) Extension, Soil Science, Agronomy, Genetics & Plant Breeding, Agriculture Economics, Horticulture (Vegetable Sc.), Agril. Biochemistry and Livestock Production and Management. B.Sc. (Ag), B. Sc. (Home Science), B. Voc. (Agriculture Operation & Management), M. Voc. (Agriculture Operation & Management).

Faculty of Engineering and Technology

  • Department of Food Technology
  • Department of Agricultural Engineering
  • Department of Information Technology
  • Department of Civil Engineering

Courses Offered B.Tech. (Information Technology, Food Technology, Agricultural Engineering and Civil Engineering), Advance Diploma in Food Processing; Agricultural Operation and Management, B. Voc. & M. Voc. (Renewable Energy Management, Building Technology, Food Processing and Technology)

  1. Pharma (Ayurveda)

Faculty of Rural Development and Business Management Departments

  • Department of Rural Management
  • Department of Business Management
  • Department of Agri-Business Management

Course offered B. Com., BBA, M. Com, Master of Tourism Management, M. A. (Rural Development), B. Voc. & M. Voc. (Bachelor of Vocation in Retail Management & IT)


  • Department of peoples Education and Mass Communication
  • Department of Professional Arts
  • Department of Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Department of Sanskrit

Course Offered M.S.W., M.J.M.C(Mass Communication), MFA (Painting Applied Art, Sculpture), M. Lib.-I. Sc., MA (Hindi, English, Sanskrit, Political Science, Philosophy, History, Sociology, Education, Mathematics, Drawing and Painting, Applied Psychology, Yoga), M.Mus. (Tabala), MFA, B. Lib.-I. Sc., B.J.M.C (Mass Communication), B. A. (Human Consciousness & Yogic Sc.), BFA (Painting, Applied Art, Sculpture), BPES (Bachelor of Physical Education Sport), B. Mus. (Bachelor of Music), B.S.W, Post Graduate Diploma (Yoga).


The University provides opportunities for higher education by research (M.Phil. and Ph.D.) in all streams indicated in the preceding sections. Selected areas of research are:

Rural Development

  • Effective models of sustainable rural development.
  • Rural resource inventory and economic uses.
  • Habitat needs and rural infrastructure: Housing, Energy, Sanitation, Health Centre, roads, communications.
  • ICT, development communication, local self-governance and    development administration, effectiveness of Panchayatiraj institution.
  • Data base information and communications (IT) for rural development.


  • Natural resources inventory and their characteristics: Ecology, biodiversity, biological control, land formation, classification, utilization, degradation, land use planning, land degradation (physical, mechanical, chemical)
  • GIS and remote sensing
  • Rural pollution, environment conservation and protection
  • IT based rural technology, geo-informatics and e-governance
  • Biodiversity conservations & management


  • Innovative development technology for agriculture, horticulture, floriculture, herbal and medicinal plants, forest produce, agro-forestry and animal husbandry for livelihood.
  • Constraints in agricultural growth, precision agriculture and diversification.
  • Soils classification, soil nutrients and management (fertilizer, manure, bio-fertilizer, compost) nutrients uptake.
  • Soil conservation, water management and irrigation.
  • Inputs management: land, water, seeds, chemicals, fertilizers, energy, production process. ICT, technology transfer, home management

Engineering and Technology

  • Mechanization, energy management, precision irrigation, PHT, agro-processing, foods technology: Ethnic foods, beverages, confectionery, dairy products.
  • Hydrology, rain precipitation, run off, erosion, water conservation, recharge ground water storage, tube well exploration, modern irrigation.
  • Traditional health system, characteristics, production, processing of herbal, medicinal and aromatic plants.
  • Rural data base, resource inventory, ICT, e-Agri. tech.

Business Management

  • Cottage industries, agribusiness, small business, family enterprises,
  • Marketing, trade, export/import of rural products, economic analysis, rural credit, support prices, rural markets.
  • Labour

Humanities and Social Sciences

  • Innovative strategies for rural people’s education, education reforms
  • Socio-economic problems of rural societies; Population dynamics, human justice and development of weaker section, women empowerment.
  • ICT in library education and automation.
  • Arts heritage and culture: folk arts, paintings, folk music a means of rural livelihood.
  • Yoga and human consciousness, ethics and human values, rural family system, inheritance, cultural and ethnic identity, customs, attitude, behavior, integrity and rural mind.