Finance Controller

Name of Incharge Dr. Sachidanand Ojha
Email [email protected]
Phone/Mobile 9425426353

Gandhi Bhawan, Administration Block


The University was established by Higher Education Department of MP Govt. ACT NO. 09 of 1991, published vide MP GAZETTE dated 18 APRIL 1991. This Act of university has 8 chapters in which provisions are made by which the whole function of university, officers of university, Employees of university, University Fund, Statutes, Ordinances & Regulations etc. has been clarified.

  1. University shall establish a Fund called University Fund. University fund shall include Any Grant by Central or State Govt. or by body corporate. University fund shall also include income from fees & Charges
  2. University Fund shall be kept in any Schedule bank as defined in RBI Act 1934 as at the discretion of the board.
  3. University fund shall be used for payment of salaries & allowances of the employees of university both teaching & non-teaching staff, payments of provident funds, contributions, gratuity & other benefits of employees of university.
  4. Payment of travelling & other allowances to members of Board/Academic Council or any committee as prescribed by university Statutes, ordinances & regulations of university.
  5. Payment of the cost of audit of university fund.
  6. Payment of fellowships, scholarship or awards to students.
  7. Payment of examination remuneration etc.

1. Subject to control of Vice-Chancellor it shall be duty of the Comptroller

  • To hold & manage the property & investments of the University including trusts & endowed property.
  • To ensure that the limits fixed by B.O.M for recurring & non- recurring expenditure for a year do not exceed & the money is spent for the purpose for which it has been granted or allocated.
  • To keep a constant watch on the state of cash & bank balances & on the state of investments.

2.Subject to the control of Registrar, the Comptroller shall

  • Collect income, disburse payments & maintain accounts of the University.
  • Prepare the annual accounts & budget of the University.
  • Have the accounts of the university regularly audited.
  • Ensure the register of buildings land, furniture & equipment's are maintained properly & kept up to date & that the stock checking is conducted regularly.
  • Suggest appropriate action against persons responsible for unauthorized expenditure & for other financial irregularities.
  1. Online payment facilities of fees
  2. Digitations of all account Records.
  3. Digital Payments of Taxes, GST, Income Tax., Professional Tax, Labor Welfare Fund, Royalty, Service Tax etc.
  4. No cash handling or Transactions.
  • Appreciation letter from Income Tax office Jabalpur. Letter Dated 21-03-2013
  • Appreciation letter from Additional Secretary to Governor reading clearance of audit objections.
Associated Employees
  • Ashok Mishra, ATO (Deputation from Finance Dept of MP Govt)
  • Shri Som Chand Gupta, Accountant
  • Shri Ramesh Gupta, Accountant
  • Shri Pawan Chourasiya, Asst. Gr.III (Acounts)
  • Shri Rajendra Tiwari, Asst. Gr.III (Accounts)
  • Shri Munni Lal Chaturvedi, Asst. Gr.III (Accounts)
  • Shri Shivendra Pandey, Asst. Gr. II
  • Shri Ranjan Agnihotri, Asst. Gr.III
  • Vijaya Upadhyay, Asst. Gr.III
  • Shri Chandra Shekhar, Peon