The Faculty of Science and Environment came in existence since the inception of the university (Chitrakoot Gramodaya Vishwavidyalaya, established in 1991 by M.P. Act ). In the initial phase, department of Biological Science was started under the leadership of Prof. Prabha Grower. Later on, undergraduate courses with various subject combinations were stated in July, 1992 under the leadership of Prof. A. L. Kirkire (as Dean). At the same time, P.G. programme in Environmental Science was started in the leadership of Dr. Pramod Singh. In 1996, P.G. programme in Industrial Chemistry was started under the coordinatorship of Prof. I.P. Tripathi. Later, PG programme in Remote Sensing and GIS for Natural Resources Management was started after the approval of UGC, New Delhi under the Innovative Programme of UGC scheme in 2004 in the leadership of Dr. Shashikant Tripathi. At present, Faculty of Science and Environment comprises three Departments (Physical Sciences, Biological Sciences and Energy & Environment) covering almost all the branches in modern science. It offers B.Sc. (IT, Computer Science, Geology, Mathematics, Biological science with many subject combinations), BCA, P.G.DCA, DCA and M.Sc. courses in most disciplines like M.Sc. in Botany, Zoology, Geology, IT, Mathematics, Biochemistry , Industrial Chemistry, Environmental Science, Remote Sensing and GIS, Geoinformatics, and Biotechnology. Faculty is running research in all the above mentioned disciplines. The Faculties have expertise in various related fields and are engaged in advanced research activities. The Faculty of Science and Environment keeps itself alive with regular academic activities like seminars, workshops and conferences. It is equipped with advanced and sophisticated laboratories in some discipline like Chemistry and RS & GIS. Faculty members have liaison with research institutions of repute in India and abroad. Some teachers of the Faculty have received distinctions and honors like P.C. Ray award in Chemistry.
- Department of Physical Sciences
- Department of Biological Sciences
- Department of Energy and Environment
Courses Offered
S.I | Name of the course | seats | Duration | Eligibility |
1 | M.Sc. Zoology | 20 | 4 | B.Sc. (relevant subject) |
2 | M.Sc. Botany | 20 | 4 | B.Sc. (relevant subject) |
3 | M.Sc.(Bio Chemistry) | 20 | 4 | B.Sc. (relevant subject) |
4 | M.Sc.(Bio Technology) | 20 | 4 | B.Sc. (relevant subject) |
5 | M.Sc. (R.S. & G.I.S.) | 20 | 4 | B.Sc./B.Sc.Ag/ B.Tech.Geography |
6 | M.Sc. (Environmental Science | 20 | 4 | B.Sc.(relevant subject) |
7 | M.Sc. (Information Technology) | 20 | 4 | B.Sc. PCM/IT/CS/B. Tech./BCA) |
8 | M.Sc. (Chemistry) | 20 | 4 | B.Sc. (relevant subject) |
9 | M.Sc.(Industrial Chemistry) | 20 | 4 | B.Sc. (relevant subject) |
10 | M.Sc. (Physics) | 20 | 4 | B.Sc relevant subject |
11 | M.Sc.(Applied Geology) | 20 | 4 | B.Sc. with relevant subject |
12 | M.Sc. (Maths) | 20 | 4 | B.Sc. (Math/CS) |
13 | M.Sc. (Statistics) | 20 | 4 | B.Sc. (Statistics |
14 | B.Sc.(Maths) | 60 | 4 | Intermediate(Maths) |
15 | B.Sc. (Bio) | 60 | 6 | Intermediate(Bio) |
16 | B.Sc.(Geo) | 60 | 6 | Intermediate(Bio/Maths) |
17 | B.Sc Computer Sc.) | 60 | 6 | Intermediate PCM/Computer |
18 | B.Sc.(Information Technology) | 60 | 6 | Intermediate PCM/Computer |
19 | BCA | 60 | 6 | Intermediate PCM |
20 | PGDCA | 60 | 2 | Graduation in any discipline |
21 | DCA | 60 | 2 | Intermediate |
Dean of the Faculty
Prof. Indra Prasad Tripathi has made outstanding contribution towards research and re-standardization of traditional formulation of anti-diabetic and antiseptic drugs using new techniques and methods. He has simultaneously made remarkable contributions towards the synthesis, characterization of metal complexes with their anti-diabetic properties, antioxidant activity, superoxide dismutase mimicking activity, free radical scavenging activity, catalytic behavior etc. Prof. Tripathi has also worked on synthesis, characterization of carbon nanotubes. He made carbon nanotubes through metal complexes with natural proteins like spinach, egg albumins using various spectroscopic, diffraction/scattering, electrochemical characterization tools. Prof. Tripathi has significant contribution in environmental monitoring, sanitation, diffuse chemical pollution and green chemistry. His innovative contribution on water, air and diffuse chemical pollution of Bundelkhand and Vindhan Pleatue of the country is appreciable.
Prof. Tripathi has been invited as speaker in the UAE-3rd International conference on Chemistry for Sustainable Development: Indian Prospective and Nepal-3rd International conference on Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology. He has also organized 18 national level seminar and workshops and activities for rural masses, student’s, research scholars and scientists. He is good academician and administrator. His has been honored with number of awards viz. Professor R. D. Desai 80th Birthday Commemoration Award-2007, by Indian Chemical Society, Research Board of Advisors, by The American Biographical Institute, BIOVED Fellowship Award-2012 by Bioved Research Society, Best Science Research Award-2012, by MP Council of Science & Technology, Bhopal etc. Prof. Tripathi is a founder member of BER Chapter, National Academy of Sciences, INDIA (NASI) & actively engages in the chapter activities and also organised 88th Annual Session of NASI. He conducted many seminars, quiz competition, essay writing, debates and lectures series on the banner of BER Chapter.
Prof. Tripathi has published 195 research paper, three books and many articles in National & International research journals. Prof. Tripathi google scholar citation Index is 490, h-index is 11, i10 index is 13 and research gate value is 24.20.
Prof. Indra Prasad Tripathi